Let's get this party started, shall we?
Like all usual suspects, this one turned up in a bar, leaving only this hazy photo as proof. Isn't that always the way?
Photo by SC |
SC indicated that the "Gent's" sign was just as troubling. Why is it so difficult for some people to accept that a word can just be plural? It doesn't require accessories.
I know this is acceptable in some circles, but I don't like it.
Photo by SH |
It's just off-putting. It makes me want to ask "for your SUV's WHAT?" What do you think?
I know I bag on local news a lot around here, but honestly, how can I not? This is the local news equivalent of the floral sack dress. They have officially given up.
Photo by AD |
Your story lacks punch when the audience is snickering at your inability to spell. Meanwhile, just one minute earlier, on a different day, on THE SAME CHANNEL:
Photo by AD |
When I graduated from college, I lived at home for about a year trying to get a job at a local Florida station, and no one would hire me. I'd like to think they're kicking themselves right now. They're probably not, but y'know. It makes me feel better about myself.
This is probably more of a judgment call, but really, if we're not here to judge, then what are we doing?
Photo by MLW |
Stash? What are they doing? Stashing something somewhere? Keeping a stash of something? NO. They're abbreviating mustache. Which makes me (and photographer MLW) think they can probably just stick with the word's actual spelling, and go with stache. What do you think?
MLW sent me another photo, and in it, she may have discovered the earth's most challenging word. Now that she has Basset Hounds, she has discovered no one can EVER spell Basset correctly. This was spotted in the Skymall catalog:
Photo by MLW |
Adorable dog. Very strange chair protector thing. Almost unforgivable misspelling in a published magazine that everyone on a plane will read, because what else are you supposed to do? Talk to your neighbor? Please. No one wants that.
My friend MAB spotted this sign that I'm guessing is pre-printed, though it seems an easy fix, given today's easy computering. There's no real need to pre -print signs anymore.
Photo by MAB |
As Seen
IN? Preposition Fail. But what I really need to know is if anyone's tried this beverage, and if I need to. Is it any good? I am, after all, a lover of chocolate! And a hater of incorrect prepositions.
And a couple of food fails to round out this post. First up, a sign that comes SO CLOSE.
Photo by KM |
This signmaker obviously doesn't believe in doubling consonants, even when you're supposed to. Nope! Not gonna do it. And so we get zuchini instead of zucchini and batered instead of battered. Letters are expensive! And to this person, perhaps redundant.
And finally, I do love Fridays. All kinds of Fridays. Even potentially euphemistic Fridays.
Photo by CW |
If you guess what he means by "Friday," you get quadruple sides!
Thanks, all! Keep 'em coming!