
We all make errors, and sometimes, those errors can make us look like idiots. Especially when that error gets published out in the world, even though it likely went through a host of gatekeepers to get there. And that's why we're here. To shame those gatekeepers with an internet scarlet S. I don't expect you to be perfect. It takes a village, and every village has an idiot. But for the sake of your company's reputation, hire a village that has at least one member THAT CAN SPELL.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

*I* can handle the truth.

Are y'all watching that new show Newsroom? I'm not. Listen, I love me some Sorkin. And I generally don't mind being manipulated by the TV. I watched ALL of West Wing. Even those seasons at the end we pretend didn't happen. In The Shadow of Two Gunmen, and the episode immediately following are like the 3 greatest hours of TV EVER, in my opinion. I watched ALL of Studio 60, even though it really was more than a little ridiculous. I loved A Few Good Men. I LOVED Social Network. I even really liked Moneyball, and I don't get the baseball much at all.

But this Newsroom looks like train wreck television to me (y'know, awful but you can't look away), and I just don't have time for that. I also am not really interested in being told what the media is doing wrong, as a member of the media. Constructive criticism is fine, but if it's an entire TV show about how Joshua Lyman doesn't get the interwebs? I don't really need that in my life. Joshua Lyman is a grown man who should really figure things out for himself, you big baby.

So, I'm not watching. Maybe you are. Maybe you LOVE it. Good for you. That's why we have lots of different TV shows in the world! The premise of Newsroom appears to be that network news, the 24-hour news networks, and the modern world have destroyed news reporting as we knew it. That they're too interested in ratings, and not nearly as interested in reporting the actual story. Is that right? If so, let me just say that you do not get to go around complaining about The Way Things Are, and then be this guy:

Photo by AW
The man's name is spelled Richard ClarkE. With an E at the end. (disclaimer: as I said, I don't watch. I have no idea what was happening in this scene. Maybe they're just making a point about how the news often misspells lower thirds. We all know that's true. But I think probably not.) This spelling error was mentioned on the twitter Sunday night by AB, who is one of the founders of this blog, which you really should be reading. My friend AW then took it upon herself to take a pic and send it along. So, thanks to you both.

I just think this is sad. You want network news to be better? You first, dude.

And, man, could Jeff Daniels look more smug in that shot next to Mr. Clarke? I don't think that's actually possible. Is he the hero of this show? He is not encouraging me to give this thing a try at ALL.


(Thanks to both AB and AW!)

1 comment:

  1. Context: It was ACN showing its own archival footage during a nightly news show. The mistake was repeated throughout several shots of the "footage" - this was the first time it showed up onscreen.
