
We all make errors, and sometimes, those errors can make us look like idiots. Especially when that error gets published out in the world, even though it likely went through a host of gatekeepers to get there. And that's why we're here. To shame those gatekeepers with an internet scarlet S. I don't expect you to be perfect. It takes a village, and every village has an idiot. But for the sake of your company's reputation, hire a village that has at least one member THAT CAN SPELL.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Shocked and appalled.

I received this submission from no fewer than three people in one day last week. The outrage! I have to say, I agree.

Photo credit below
I mean, COME ON. I guarantee you, that is the anchor's "Oh, HELL, NO" face. She's sitting there, trying to figure out if she can just slink down while everyone's staring at the other half of the screen, and just duck under the desk until this horrific moment is over. She'll continue talking, so there will be some sound, but it'll just be the lyrics from her favorite sit-com, Major Dad. She memorized several episodes, and recites them to herself in order to go to her happy place. Major Dad always knew how to handle a tough situation, and he is going to come to her rescue now.

Here's the HuffPo story on this, and the link in the article to where I got the photo. Thanks to RP, IU, and JG for all alerting me to this TRAGEDY. Let's just pretend it never happened, and go about the rest of our day, ok? *SHUDDER*

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