Today's post features photos taken exclusively by MOI! I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed finding them out in the wild.
I wish you'd been there when I wasted, like, 10 minutes trying to get the TiVo to pause just SO. |
Maybe you don't know who this is. Maybe you don't watch Vampire Diaries. I don't know your life, after all. Maybe you have some debilitating illness that prevents you from watching really fun TV shows week after week after week. Or maybe you're too busy with "highbrow" fare and too snooty to check out some awesome CW shows featuring acting and story lines you can't even handle. Either way, that's pretty sad. However, if you ARE suffering some tragic illness, I suggest you AVOID seeing Dr. Grayson Gilbert, M.D., who obviously is some sort of flim-flam man, because any REAL doctor would know that you don't get both DR and MD. One or the other, bub. That's how this works. Also, kudos to the CW for sharing this grammar fail with their viewing audience. Seriously, NO ONE on staff caught this? I think maybe a little visit from Ripper Stefan is in order for the art department, at the very least.
I took this photo of my work computer with my phone. Yes, my work computer screen had that smoodge in the middle of it permanently. |
This is the error message I got from a webpage about some cookies. Y'know. Cookies. One of the most deceptively teasing words in computer history. We've talked about this issue before. If you're going to be selling your software to other countries, you should probably hire someone who is a native speaker to translate all your various pop-up messages. It makes your company look bad, otherwise. I don't even really know what this message is warning me about. I don't know what "Orphea Web site" refers to, precisely. The web site I was on? How would other users log in under my account? I feel a little bad making fun of this, because it's clearly just a language issue, but I suspect millions were spent in the development of this software, so someone should have invested in making this clear across all languages.
Also taken with my phone, but this is my own computer. |
This is a page from the book Iron Kissed, by Patricia Briggs. I really love that series! It's fun and entertaining, and all the characters are interesting and compelling. I am always glad to sit down and read a Patricia Briggs book. And normally, I let the little errors in ebook formatting slide, because I'm too happy reading a book to stop and take a picture. However, this is a pet peeve, so I really had to share. Let's review: calvary refers to a hill near Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified. CAVALRY: soldiers who fought on horseback. They're pronounced differently, too. I've heard people try to claim it's a regional thing, like nuclear, but I argue that it's not. Like nuclear, one pronunciation is right, and one is wrong. CALvary is one thing and CAValry is another. A little precision, please, Baby. It's always a better time when people actually know what the heck you're talking about. "Calvary officer? Did he help with the crucifixion? Maybe the hill had its own guard? Who knows. Regardless, dude is OLD."
And finally:
No, I didn't look weird at all taking this picture in the middle of Ralph's. NOPE. |
I confess I am fascinated by HEIRLOOM tomatoes. They are so WEIRD looking. I always have to stand there and check them out. All the different colors and shapes and man, nature is CRAZY! So, it took me a minute to notice the sign. And then get my phone out of my purse. And then take a few different pics, trying to make sure it was clear. And at that point, I had spent far too much time with these tomatoes. They weren't coming home with me, after all, and at this point, I'm pretty sure they had
expectations. I hope they don't see this post. They'll be sad to learn I was using them for entertainment and personal gain.
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