
We all make errors, and sometimes, those errors can make us look like idiots. Especially when that error gets published out in the world, even though it likely went through a host of gatekeepers to get there. And that's why we're here. To shame those gatekeepers with an internet scarlet S. I don't expect you to be perfect. It takes a village, and every village has an idiot. But for the sake of your company's reputation, hire a village that has at least one member THAT CAN SPELL.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

But wait! There's MORE!

Today's post features photos taken exclusively by MOI! I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed finding them out in the wild.

I wish you'd been there when I wasted, like, 10 minutes trying to get the TiVo to pause just SO. 
Maybe you don't know who this is. Maybe you don't watch Vampire Diaries. I don't know your life, after all. Maybe you have some debilitating illness that prevents you from watching really fun TV shows week after week after week. Or maybe you're too busy with "highbrow" fare and too snooty to check out some awesome CW shows featuring acting and story lines you can't even handle. Either way, that's pretty sad. However, if you ARE suffering some tragic illness, I suggest you AVOID seeing Dr. Grayson Gilbert, M.D., who obviously is some sort of flim-flam man, because any REAL doctor would know that you don't get both DR and MD. One or the other, bub. That's how this works. Also, kudos to the CW for sharing this grammar fail with their viewing audience. Seriously, NO ONE on staff caught this? I think maybe a little visit from Ripper Stefan is in order for the art department, at the very least.

I took this photo of my work computer with my phone. Yes, my work computer screen had that smoodge in the middle of it permanently. 
This is the error message I got from a webpage about some cookies. Y'know. Cookies. One of the most deceptively teasing words in computer history. We've talked about this issue before. If you're going to be selling your software to other countries, you should probably hire someone who is a native speaker to translate all your various pop-up messages. It makes your company look bad, otherwise. I don't even really know what this message is warning me about. I don't know what "Orphea Web site" refers to, precisely. The web site I was on? How would other users log in under my account? I feel a little bad making fun of this, because it's clearly just a language issue, but I suspect millions were spent in the development of this software, so someone should have invested in making this clear across all languages.

Also taken with my phone, but this is my own computer. 
This is a page from the book Iron Kissed, by Patricia Briggs. I really love that series! It's fun and entertaining, and all the characters are interesting and compelling. I am always glad to sit down and read a Patricia Briggs book. And normally, I let the little errors in ebook formatting slide, because I'm too happy reading a book to stop and take a picture. However, this is a pet peeve, so I really had to share. Let's review: calvary refers to a hill near Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified. CAVALRY: soldiers who fought on horseback. They're pronounced differently, too. I've heard people try to claim it's a regional thing, like nuclear, but I argue that it's not. Like nuclear, one pronunciation is right, and one is wrong. CALvary is one thing and CAValry is another. A little precision, please, Baby. It's always a better time when people actually know what the heck you're talking about. "Calvary officer? Did he help with the crucifixion? Maybe the hill had its own guard? Who knows. Regardless, dude is OLD."

And finally:

No, I didn't look weird at all taking this picture in the middle of Ralph's. NOPE. 
I confess I am fascinated by HEIRLOOM tomatoes. They are so WEIRD looking. I always have to stand there and check them out. All the different colors and shapes and man, nature is CRAZY! So, it took me a minute to notice the sign. And then get my phone out of my purse. And then take a few different pics, trying to make sure it was clear. And at that point, I had spent far too much time with these tomatoes. They weren't coming home with me, after all, and at this point, I'm pretty sure they had expectations. I hope they don't see this post. They'll be sad to learn I was using them for entertainment and personal gain.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A big ole round-up of stuff! Yay, STUFF!

Hey all! Um, what's up? How've you been? Happy New Year, and all that!

I would like to welcome you back to this space that I hope you still remember fondly. Submissions have been VEEERRY slowly trickling in, so I think there are enough to post an update that'll be worthwhile. Let's dive in, shall we?

Football is kind of a big deal this time of year. My alma mater won the national championship, and then there's still the big Commercial Bowl coming up, where many of us will spend a great deal of time flipping back and forth between puppies and zany ads Don Draper couldn't even imagine. Even if you're only a casual observer, you might still check the internet for the scores from time to time, to be able to play along with the nonsensical chatter at work. And in doing so, you might stumble across something like this:

Screengrab by DD
Perhaps the Seahawks sent the 49ers on a journey of some sort? Nah. They mean ROUT. To defeat overwhelmingly. The best part? It's STILL THERE. They've never fixed it. The one commenter suggested a correction, but duh. Who reads the comments? Not the people who work at the website, that's for sure!

Even the best of spellers and grammarians get tripped up now and again. It can't be helped! Nobody's perfect, right? One of my grammar waterloos is lay vs. lie. Listen, you can explain it to me over and over and over. It's not gonna sink in. I'm never going to grasp it. Even as I repeat the rules right back to you, I'll still be confused and a little afraid, and just go back and rewrite my sentence until neither lay nor lie are necessary. In addition, I have two words I can never spell: maintenance and sheriff. I have to look both of those up Every. Single. Time. (Yes, including just now.) Here's how I want to spell them: maintainence and sherrif. At least I'm consistent in my errors, right? I have, however, never opted for this spelling:

Screengrab by DD
Again, if you click through, it's still there. Way to go, internet. This is just a typo that should have been caught pretty easily by spellcheck, especially since it's the headline, but nope! You and your red squiggly lines, software. We will not put up with your (sometimes helpful) nonsense any longer! And so, this newspaper stands its ground and defends its right to, y'know, look a little stupid and incompetent. We all have to leave our mark somehow.

And now for a twofer from EW, who apparently likes to jump on the publish button a little too quickly.

Screengrabs by MF
ALADDIN should be easy for an entertainment magazine to get right, especially since they were able to below my crop point as the caption for the lower photo. That's just embarrassing. And truth be told, they fixed lifestream pretty quickly to LIVE STREAM, so that's a relief, sort of. I feel like it should be one word, but perhaps AP still wants it two. I can't quite convince google to give me an answer. It was already adjusted by the time I clicked through the link MF sent. But I want you take a moment to read the sentence below the headline in the top photo, because that thing is a DOOZY. I think what they're trying to say is that Amanda Taylor comments on a tumblr that has suggested a new soul mate for Belle, and that she (the tumblr?) may be on to something. Am I reading that right? Talk about hitting publish too soon. It is acceptable, professional outlets, to REREAD your work before publishing. Or even having your cubby neighbor read your work really quick, just to make sure it makes sense to others. Because you may not even be aware your brain has taken the day off. Mine does it all the time, and I can't be the only one. Right? RIGHT?

Screengrab by DD
This is apparently a reference to the TV show "Chopped," which I've never seen, and not a basket full of random chopped salad ingredients, which is what first came to mind. Chocolate and/or bacon would never be a mysery for me, so I'd have to go with the other ingredients. As for MYSTERY cooking ingredients, I'd say duck fat, because unless you got something else that can be cooked IN the duck fat, you're kinda SOL. And yes, I googled "casseroval" just to make sure it wasn't wrong, and it's not. Just a weird portmanteau I'd never seen before. Ah, Rachael Ray. Her use of the language inspires us all. 

More reality show business:
Screengrab by MLW
I've never seen this show, either, but this description makes it sound exhausting! Also, there's something going on with the tenses here that makes this somewhat confusing, no? It wavers back and forth between present and past tense, I think. I had to stop reading and just look at the verbs for a sec, and I think that's what's throwing me. Anyway, focus on the last sentence in the first paragraph. Based on this description, I'd say something's high, for sure. STAKES, geniuses. Steaks are for dinner. STAKES are for competition. And vampires, duh. Easy to slip through the spellchecker, but also easy enough to spot, y'all. 

And finally, we end this on a sad note. Especially poignant for me, as I turn 40 this year. 

Screengrab by DD
I feel like this is just sort of epically embarrassing. I mean, this is supposed to be a powerful, meaningful article on the things you learn when you turn 40. And here we are, taken completely out of the moment by the wrong word. And also by being informed we're going to die someday. YEESH! Did Oprah see this article before it went live? Because I feel like she will not be down with this depressing nonsense. Sort of the opposite of living your best life, yeah? ACCEPT that we are all going to die someday? PASS. I am definitely on the downward slope toward death? Um, yeah. If you guys will excuse me, I have to go weep in a corner now. 

My thanks go out to DD, MLW, and MF for keeping the dream alive! Please keep sending submissions in. Once they pile up, I will get them out to you for your diversionary pleasure. You can tweet 'em (@SpellFailBlog) or email 'em (spellfailblog AT gmail DOT com), just keep 'em coming!