Hey Everyone! Welcome back from the holiday weekend. Let's get right down to business, shall we?
Today's first photo is one of those that inspired me to start this blog. It's a graphic advertising an upcoming show on HGTV. I rarely watch HGTV, as people with nice homes make me sad, since I live in a crappy apartment. However, I was watching this day, and this was my reward. You see, I work in television production, and I know some of the people that produce some of the shows on HGTV, and I know for CERTAIN they'd be enraged if this is how HGTV advertised their shows. Also, because of that work, I have a pretty good idea of how many eyes likely saw this graphic before it made it on the air. By my estimate, I'd guess at least 4 people likely approved this bad boy. This very, very bad boy.
It is SO not our fault. Please watch our show anyway. |
There. That's just ridiculous, isn't it? You go to all the trouble of locating interesting people to make a show about, shooting that show, putting the show together, and getting it on the air, and then people who want to watch it can't even put it on their TiVos because the advertising is SPELLED WRONG. I admit I couldn't believe this. I actually googled the show to make sure it wasn't some weird twist on the phrase. It's not. That's not the name of the show.
Hopefully the executive producer of the show raised a little hell and got this taken care of very quickly. Or better yet, now insists on seeing ALL related graphics before they go to air. Which is as it should be. This is just heartbreaking for the team who worked on the show. It's a little like the network is saying they couldn't care less about all the hard work put in. We're just going to throw some garbage up on the TV, and if people see it AND figure it out, great. If not? Whatever.
Yeah, perhaps that's a little dramatic, but you work 15 hour days for a few months, and then get this as your reward from your overlords. It's not cool, y'all.
(yes, I know the pic is blurry. I retook it several times at different distances, but it would just not clear up. Blame the iPhone.)