When you watch as much TV as I do, you can't help but be exposed to commercials. Yes, I have a TiVo. Technically speaking, I own 4 TiVos, but I'm only using 2 of them at present. However, sometimes, you just have to sit through a late-night rerun of Law & Order or four. Or CSI:NY. YOU JUST HAVE TO. Anyway, because of that, you get to see a number of high quality ads. And by high quality, I mean they were likely produced by some schmo on his computer, who underbid all the competition so completely that he has no idea he doesn't know anything about anything. He just knows that he has to identify all the people in the ad he's editing together, using the information provided to him. If he stopped to google how to do this correctly, it would take too much time, and he promised to be ON TIME and UNDER BUDGET. That's how he got this awesome gig, after all. And that's how he can bring this tiny gem to you.
I am deeply concerned. This is my deeply concerned face. |
You just know that Dr. Chu's mom is SUPER proud of her son. Two doctorates? He's like the King of Smart People. He's Captain Smarty McSmartypants. All other lesser smarties shall bow down before him. KNEEL BEFORE CHU. Ahem. But because he's so smart, I bet the good doctor knows that he doesn't get to have both his title and his academic abbreviations at the same time. One or the other, but not both. Also, when you're both an MD and a PhD, the MD is usually listed first, unless he earned his PhD first. It can get a little hairy.
So basically, Low Bidder got every drop of this wrong. That's kind of an accomplishment in itself, so well played, him. I guess. Congrats?
The AP Stylebook should be required reading. Live it, learn it, love it. This one jumped out at me, too, perhaps because I've written my fair share of doctor obits and articles about veterinarians.
ReplyDeleteI agree, but would say ANY stylebook. My mom uses Gregg at work, and it says the same thing.