Signing up for a new account online somewhere can be really frustrating, right? Y'all know what I mean. You know EXACTLY what you want your online name to be, and then you learn it's already taken. UGH. So you have to come up with something else. Or, add an extra letter to what you've already got, which makes it look a little wonky, but solves the problem. I did that for my twitter account. Just added another S to the end, so it looks a little like it's hissing, but really, I was just trying to keep my favored username. I've never seen a company or organization of any kind do this, but I guess it's possible. I'd think it would be really annoying if you were a famous person, and you learned that someone had already squatted on your own name, so you have to take extreme measures somehow. Like, um, be really annoyed, and then think of something else. Or something.
Anyhoo, all that to say, I'm pretty sure that's NOT what happened here.
Mental note: never, EVER wear a clear poncho on TV. |
And a close up, in case you can't quite see it:
So, uh, what's going on with the handcuffs? That's an interesting way to boost ratings. |
I'd guess these were not typed on the fly. They were possibly ready even before the show started taping. So, there was probably some time to go back and reread them before they were broadcast. And clearly, no one did.
I'm, uh, available for work, guys. If you need the help. Totally unemployed, is what I'm saying. And very willing to reread my work!
(Thanks to loyal reader and valued sibling JG for sending me these pics. Y'all, I'm not kidding when I say I have EVERYONE searching for published errors.)
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