
We all make errors, and sometimes, those errors can make us look like idiots. Especially when that error gets published out in the world, even though it likely went through a host of gatekeepers to get there. And that's why we're here. To shame those gatekeepers with an internet scarlet S. I don't expect you to be perfect. It takes a village, and every village has an idiot. But for the sake of your company's reputation, hire a village that has at least one member THAT CAN SPELL.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Respect my (lack of) authority!

Let's start the day with a confession. So, yeah. Sometimes, I can get a little snotty about my spelling-fu. I know. I KNOW. I get things right sometimes. But other times? I am so SO wrong. And I am woman enough to admit it.

A while back I snapped a pic of this TiVo listing because I was sure some part of it was wrong. Mr. Schaech doesn't spell his name like that, right? And is that supposed to be David Bowie? Off to IMDB to check!

Damn. I apparently missed "Sounds of NASCAR."
Guess what, y'all. EVERY DROP OF THIS IS SPELLED CORRECTLY. Who'd have thunk? Even protegee, since the protegee in question is a woman. (Also, you're a little sad you missed this movie, aren't you?)

This is proof that even those that pride themselves on their ability to know, um, stuff, still need to double check sometimes to be certain. I am confident this was why the internet was born, so we'd have quick access to necessary information like who starred in what movie. And to maybe help me find those shoes I love for 50% off.

That's just as important.

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