I love all the blog submissions you guys send me. I really do. I appreciate you keeping an eye out for me, and sending me everything you can. But I have to admit that some submissions are, well, more awesome than others. Sometimes I just get a few typos in. And sometimes, they're like a gift from above.
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Spectacular. |
This was sent to me by my friend ND when she spotted it on FB. It is a MARVEL. Look, no one likes a sale as much as I do. No one. But I admit I am put off by the shenanigans here. I mean, you and I know that ANNUAL is the correct spelling, right? That one's just silly, as it probably got caught by spellcheck. And down at the bottom, maybe if you're not local, you don't know that they're on FRANKLIN, and not whatever nonsense the sign says.
But oh, then there's HORDERVES.
I will grant you that's a great transliteration of the word. But I don't think you get to transliterate a word from a language that uses the same characters, do you? I mean, sure, for a pronunciation guide. But that's not what this is. No, this is an invitation. And on an invitation, it should probably say HORS D'OEUVRES. Since that's how it's spelled in French and all, sort of. According to The Internet, the French version doesn't have the final s in the singular or plural. I always want to put an accent circonflexe over the O in oeuvres, but that's not right. I only took 2 years of French. And it was a LONG TIME AGO. I'm doing the best I can. Also, I GOOGLED IT.
C'mon. If you encounter a word like this, and you know it's a foreign word, and you've been told before you're not great at spelling, then why not just say appetizers? Light snacks? There are ways to get around the challenging Frenchy-pants word.
ND also tells me that there's a banner advertising the sale in front of their store, and on that banner they've misspelled NATIVE. So, apparently, they can't even spell the name of their store correctly.
Dark days, indeed.
(Thanks, ND!)
This is, indeed, spectacular. May I add that the word "yummy," while spelled correctly, should not be used by anyone over the age of five? I don't care how popular it is on cooking shows.