Good morning! I hope you're enjoying your day off, if you do have it off. If not, I'm here to provide you with a little distraction, in the hopes that your day passes a little more quickly. Hope it helps!
My friend JS has a number of diverse interests that keep her busy surfing the internet for updates. Over the past few weeks she's encountered a number of minor errors in her web travels, which she sent on to me. I know that the internet is now a place where just any loser can set themselves up as an expert in something (AHEM), but again, if you're working for some sort of a corporation, or, really, just trying to get your own ideas and concepts out into the world, then you might take the time to proofread your work. That way, people visiting your site will NOT think "HAHAHA, you are a stupid company and I wish to have nothing more to do with you or your products. Better check Facebook." They will instead think "I am intrigued by your ideas and wish to sign up for your newsletter. Please, tell me more."
On to the errors!
Screengrab by JS |
Do you see it? Up there in "Today's Top Picks." It's the first entry. I can't even guess at what it's trying to say. What ticks have Lime Disease? What ticks have to do to get Lyme Disease? I dunno. So weird.
Screengrab by JS |
Bottom left-hand corner. "...Then Roles Onto Passenger's Lap." Look, having a BOULDER roll into your car is traumatic enough. They could at least spell ROLLS correctly.
Dude. A BOULDER. That's nuts.
Screengrab by JS |
You can see the entire story
here, dated August 20, which has still not been corrected. And for the record, a WARM day with few clouds sounds perfect for a sail, no buts about it.
Screengrab by JS |
This one's a little tougher to
see. It's in the first line of the second paragraph. "Orange County Sheriff Deputies say the he was..." WHAT? I'm guessing it should possibly read "Orange County Sheriff
's Deputies say
THAT he was..." I'm not 100% sure about either of these corrections, but they make sense to me. Maybe they're called sheriff deputies. I don't see anything on the internet like that, though. And really. You don't need the THAT in that sentence at all. It's extraneous. So sad. An error that could have been avoided altogether!
So, as you can see, it's tough for JS on the internet. I'd suggest getting off the computer for a bit and reading a book, but we've seen the problems with that path as well. Go for a walk! Yes, get out and enjoy some nature. That sounds very peaceful to me!
(Thanks, JS!)
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