
We all make errors, and sometimes, those errors can make us look like idiots. Especially when that error gets published out in the world, even though it likely went through a host of gatekeepers to get there. And that's why we're here. To shame those gatekeepers with an internet scarlet S. I don't expect you to be perfect. It takes a village, and every village has an idiot. But for the sake of your company's reputation, hire a village that has at least one member THAT CAN SPELL.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Full Circle

I love it when worlds collide. When all the stories on a TV show intersect? Pure gold. When random friends that don't know each other attend the same wedding? Kismet! When I suggest that they go introduce themselves to each other because they'd totally get along? Well, that's just me being pushy. WHICH I HAVE NEVER BEEN. Ahem. So, the other day, when I was doing some research for a completely separate project, and stumbled across this gem, I was kind of absurdly happy.

Have We Talked about How I am Not a Fan of Excessive Caps, Except When I Do It?
Once again, I googled "Ybor City Musuem State Park" just to see if it's some sort of quirk. It is not. It is just wrong. MUSEUM. It's even how we pronounce it. This is clearly just a typo that's made its way onto the website, and is now tragically out there for the world to see.

I do kind of expect more of a museum. Is that wrong? Also, this museum didn't have an 800 number that I could find. That's weird, too, right? I just wanted More Info of the non-Events & Programs kind.

I can't wait to see what I find next! For both projects!

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