And so another work week begins. Not cool, weekend, to just up and END like that. Not cool at all. What did y'all do this weekend? See any good movies? Hang out with friends? Catch up with family? I don't get to spend too much time with mine, since they live across the country from me, but I talk to my mom regularly, and even sent her the link to this blog, so all y'all better be on your best behavior! Mom doesn't tolerate much in the way of shenanigans. She's also where I get my, er, interest in spelling and good grammar. Checking these things is her profession, and let me tell you, she takes it pretty seriously. So seriously, in fact, that when I was in the 8th grade, I stopped letting her read my school papers, because she made me fix them until they were correct! What a nuisance. I was a teenager, and it was my job to be annoyed by everything my parents did, and man, was I ANNOYED. I didn't recover until college, when I realized I'd have to proof my papers myself. And then THAT was a nuisance. Me, y'all. I am difficult sometimes.
Now, Mom sees spelling errors on a daily basis, but because she's mostly working on internal documents for her company, she can't share. But every once in a while, she comes across something she can share, and so today I'm featuring Submissions from Mom. This first one is from a training video she had to watch:
It's sad how often people have to be reminded to keep themselves alive. |
Well, congratulations, warning sign, you are NOW spelled correctly. As Mom said in her email, "the joys of white-out extend even to very large, painted signs." I guess we all fight the good fight in our own way, huh?
Well played, Follow-Up Sign Fixer Person. Well played, indeed.
(Thanks, Mom!)
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