Here's something I've always been confused by, sort of. Why do people travel in the summer? I mean, I get that kids are out of school, and that our school schedules were built around planting seasons, but still. Doesn't traveling in the heat of the summer kind of suck? You get all piled into the car, and it's hot, and the seats are vinyl and sticky (in Florida, having a leather interior can be a challenge), and the steering wheel is a million degrees, and there are other tourists everywhere, and yuck. But you do it. Because everyone does it. You load up the car and drive a LONG way, just to see something different. For months, all you've thought about is getting into the car and driving, and now that you're in the car, all you can think about is getting back out. Next year, the staycation. But for now, you're heading into the theme park for the rides, the games, and the theme park food.
I've never had a huge problem with theme park food. I mean, I love pizza, and you can almost always find pizza, right? Sure, it's $10/slice, but whatever. YOU'RE HAVING FUN, DAMMIT.
My friend NT and her family did just that recently. Took a road trip to visit family back east. Along the way, they stopped at Cedar Point, which, according to its website, is the Best Amusement Park in the World, though they do give this phrase an asterisk. At Cedar Point, this is what they found to eat:
Photo by NT |
So, yeah. The first thing that's wrong? NO PIZZA. Also, they appear to have run out of Rs halfway through making the sign, but found some more by the next line. Also also, if you order the loaded park fries, do you get fries with that? How many times a day do you suppose they answer that question?
And let's be honest. If you had to choose between a hambuger and a maverick burger, I think we all know what you'd choose. Does the maverick burger feel the need to speed through your system? Will it go rogue on you? Most importantly, will it take my breath away? DO YOU GET A LITTLE GOOSE ON THE SIDE?
If we're still working with my theory that when letters go missing they pop up somewhere else, then I fully expect this R to turn up in about a week. Keep an eye out for it!
(Thanks for thinking of me, NT!)
I would think that a maverick burger would indeed take your breath away. And then possibly put you in a position in which you would tailspin, then eject, hit the canopy, and die. So better NOT to order it.