Continuing with the theme of food, and food confessions, here's another one that's not very surprising. I enjoy fried things. Now, I'm not talking about the fair foods, where they take just about any damn thing and drop it in a deep fryer and hope for the best. No. But some fair foods are fine. Fried chicken is a delight. And don't get me started on butter carvings. I can't even tell you the amount of time and brain cells I wasted trying to figure out how I could get a butter turkey from my local grocery store home to my mom's house for Thanksgiving one year. Butter turkey, y'all? How could you not love that? In a small table size. Genius. But you know what's my favorite fair food? Funnel cake. I just love it. It's bread! It's fried! It's vaguely beignet-tasting! How could you not love that?
So, when you find a place that's local-ish and will sell you a funnel cake, you have to jump on it, right? Even if the sign throws you a bit.
Funnel cake and pizza? Please, tell me more |
I don't really care where this funnel cake has made its mark. I still want some. I also appreciate that Big Brother is watching me check out this sign, as though they know it's spelled wrong, and are recording the moment you realize it. Or, are recording anyone who tries to fix it. Is this a thing, Venice Beach?
Let's meet up, y'all. Pizza and funnel cakes. And then a brisk 10 mile jog to start working it off. Who's in?
(Thanks to my friend MAB for snapping a pic of this treasure and sending it my way!)
Well, this way they can't be sued for stating they're the world's best. "We never said that!"