AS is on a roll this week! I've posted something from her every day this week! AS, thanks for keeping an eye out! I hope you enjoyed your trip to NY, where you spotted this:
Photo by AS |
What's really sad here is that Garlic Mashed Potatoes is spelled correctly when it's paired with the chicken. But on its own? It can't even keep all its letters. It's like the Eponine of side dishes. All alone again, no H to turn to. It isn't even on Facebook, so it can't like them for a free drink! And it could really use one.
Maybe it can hang out with Seasonal Vegtable, and they can work together to earn enough money to buy themselves the letters they lack. NY is a tough town, but those kids are just crazy enough to make it work! They could put on a show! A dramatic piece. "Potatoes & Veg: A Brief History of the Irish Diaspora"
I mean, who wouldn't want to see that? They'll have their letters in no time.
(Thanks, AS!)
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