Look, I don't mean to brag, but I have TWO brunches with friends planned this month. TWO. That's two opportunities to eat delicious breakfast foods while gossiping and being silly. There are very few things that could top that.
In the planning of one of the brunches, emails were flying back and forth with links to recommended restaurants. Where should we eat our delicious breakfast foods? Should we try a new place? Stick with something we know? It was a very exciting time, reading all those menus. That's when I stumbled upon
Quirky |
There are two issues here. One, that every features an R where a V should live. But also, this is an instance where every and day should be two separate words. Basically, everyday is an adjective used to describe things that are commonplace. "Those are my everyday dishes." There's a good description
here. Every day means each day, which is what's being said here. "The sycamore kitchen is open every day..."
Also, if you're going to capitalize Friday, you could show Monday some love, too. I mean, very few people like Monday, but it's still a day, regardless of your feelings.
BTW, that's the restaurant I'll be dining at Sunday. What should I get? All of it, right?
(Thanks, JR, for sending the link!)
They didn't even capitalize their own name. Sheesh.