Two submissions from JR today! First up, this weird sign thing she spotted on Facebook.
I'm always a little leery of using these signs right from Facebook, or anything, for that matter, if I don't know who took/created it, but sometimes, they're just too good to pass up, right? I mean, what is with that? A comma and an apostrophe are not interchangeable things! Nor did busy deserve a capital B, but I at least get that.
And seriously, I AM busy. I think this is a little disrespectful to those of us who have fairly all-consuming jobs. Rude sign makers who can't even deploy a proper apostrophe. YOU DON'T KNOW MY LIFE!
Ahem. And just as a reminder, if you send me something random like this, please also let me know the source (website, FB page, friend's camera) so I can try to get permission to run it. Thanks!
(Thanks, JR!)
Made me laugh out loud (probably more correctly -- aloud)!! Maybe it's just a lazy apostrophe that fell down on the job. DCC