I can't even describe to you how much I'd enjoy a personal shopping experience. Or rather, excuse me, a Personal Shopping Experience. That just sounds awesome to me. In my head, it's a lot like Pretty Woman. I sit down, and am handed champagne while people come at me with clothes they think I should try on, and then they style them for me, and I pick a selection, someone else pays, and I walk out, bags in hand. I mean, that sounds great, right?
If I were to attend some sort of auction, that's what I would bid on. And if were a retailer at an auction, that's what item I would want to present. My company would get lots of press, and maybe some people who weren't familiar with my company would get to know us. I'd want to make sure word got out correctly, so they could look us up later. Which means something like this would really kinda piss me off.
Photo by KG |
If I attended this auction, and that was my item up for bid, I would be RAGING right about now. Do NOT spell my company's name wrong. Proofread your work before it gets printed. This is clearly just a typo, but now it's out in the world, and someone's yelling at your boss, which means it's going to trickle down to you eventually.
Don't let this happen to you. Proofread, people! Get someone else to help you, too! Don't just do the work. Do the work PROPERLY. It can make a world of difference. And maybe save your job, if you've got a touchy boss.
(Thanks, KG!)
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