I have been known to have strong opinions on movies from time to time. I work in the industry, though not on movies, but I have an idea of what goes on, so I think I know what's what. I have been embarrassed by my opinioning once or twice, most notably when I may have made a couple of retching noises when a movie ended, only to learn a few minutes later that the director of said film was sitting just across the aisle from me. Lesson learned! I always take my opinions outside after a screening now.
But regardless of your thoughts on film, the entertainment industry, the level of pretension auteurs display, all that what-have-you, I think you and I can agree that there really shouldn't be incorrectly-spelled words in movies. I mean, literally hundreds of people see movies before they are released to the general public. SOMEONE should catch these things. And yet...
My friend GH sent this to me. It's from the "Promised Land" trailer. Have you heard about this movie? You can check out the IMDb page
here. Total awards bait, with it being in limited release on Dec. 28. Just makes the cut off. The rest of America will get to see it January. The movie does look interesting, and it has a good batch of people that worked on it, so I'm optimistic. Except for this one thing...
It looks like he's watching a movie in a closet, right? |
AFFECT, NOT EFFECT. SIGH. Affect is the verb. Effect is the noun. SERIOUSLY. This is a screengrab from the trailer, which you can see in its entirety
here. I like to think that Matt Damon's face has this horrified look on it, as though he just CANNOT BELIEVE what he's seeing here. Like "I don't know much about this fracking thing, but you have GOT to be kidding me with that effect BS. That is just sad and stupid. I wrote this! My name is in the credits at least 3 different times! Please don't embarrass me, graphics people."
I mean, *I* don't know much about this fracking thing, but at least I can tell the difference between a noun and a verb, so I've got that going for me.
(Thanks, GH!)
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