Is there any reason to not love Trader Joe's? Ok, sure, their frozen meals have an UNHOLY amount of sodium in them, and their flowers do seem to die very quickly, but hey, you're paying less than half what you were paying at your regular grocery store, right? What's your favorite item from there? I'm currently on a chicken burger kick. I love those things, and I have decided to pretend they aren't TERRIBLE for you. Also, they sell a sharp cheddar cheese that's delicious.
And, well, maybe that's the other problem with them. You can't do ALL your grocery shopping there. You can't pick up your beloved Froot Loops or Coke. You have to go to another store for that. And, well, that kind of doesn't work for me. I don't want to be a 3-store household, just to get my grocery shopping done for the week. It's too hit or miss. Just like their proofreading department, apparently:
Photo by N |
Obviously, the bottom pic there is blown up so you can see the moment when spellcheck wouldn't save them. In case it's not clear, this is the expiration date on the pie. That should be a BY, and not a BUY. Unless, of course, they're trying to say this is a best buy on 10-3-12. But I don't think so, because that's today, and I saw this picture yesterday.
And that's another thing. If this pic was taken in the last couple days, that is a SHOCKINGLY short edible window for this pie. I'm pretty sure when my mom bakes a pie at home, it's good for 5 days or so. Preservatives, people. They are the lifeblood of our nation. Without them, we end up with, y'know, pies that go bad after a day or so. And that serves no one.
Pies for everyone! All day! All the time! FOREVER!
(Thanks, MJ, for sharing N's photo with me!)