Look, I don't know about y'all, but I'm gonna head to Pittsburgh to have lunch with my friend MSM, who sent me this menu. This place looks AWESOME, right?
Photo by MSM |
I've read over this menu a couple times now, and I only see the one error (in the chile relleno description), which is a relief. Because I want nothing to sully the imaginary lunch I'm having at this restaurant right now. REFRIEND beans for everyone! Well, I'll pass. I prefer black beans.
Seriously, though. If the rest of the menu is even half as tempting as this portion, there's a good chance I would never leave. I can't even get that worked up about the spelling error. I'm rendered almost speechless.
(Thanks, MSM!)
It is SO GOOD. This was my third or fourth time there, and the first time my eyes unglazed enough that I noticed "refriend." But I'd be friends with those beans anytime.