Some of you may know that I used to work at Universal Studios back in the day. Both in Florida and here in Los Angeles. Some of you may also know that I didn't exactly enjoy my time at the Los Angeles studio. In both places, I worked as a tour guide. Yes, that means here in LA, I did the tram tour. It was a time I sometimes refer to as "soul-sucking." Listen, if you're an actor, and you want practice at keeping your show fresh and lively, there is no better place to do that than on the tram tour. 5 shows a day, 5 days a week, with audiences that completely ignore you. Sometimes they hang their kids over the side of the tram to pee. Sometimes, they change their clothes right in front of you. And sometimes, they ask you to stop talking for a bit so they can translate what you've said so far for their friends. If you can keep yourself and at least some of the audience engaged after all that nonsense, well, you probably have a fantastic career ahead of you in the performing arts. If you're like me, and not really an actor, you may get notes on your reviews like "needs to smile more," or "needs to stick to the script and not improvise jokes." Sarcasm is my spirit animal, y'all. My refuge in times of stress. MY HAPPY PLACE, DAMMIT.
Ahem. So, when my friend DH sent
this to me, I was pretty gleeful. Because, let's be honest. I'm happy whenever Universal fails, even when it's in some small way.
Someone's pinky has fallen in love with the shift key, and can't stay away from it. |
Look, I understand that trying to decide between PRINCIPLE and PRINCIPAL can be a challenge. That we were all taught that the PRINCIPAL is your pal, and so you'd want to default to everything else being PRINCIPLE. But that simply isn't the case. You are allowed to look things up on the internet. And when you do, you will learn that this is supposed to be PRINCIPAL.
Here's a great article from Grammar Girl that will help you make the choice yourself.
The lesson here? Even when you're not in doubt, you should probably take the time to look some things up.
(Thanks, DH!)
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