Maybe a year ago, I got an Apple TV. Mainly, I got it because I had a gift card for Apple that was pretty small, and I just couldn't think of anything else to get, because I didn't need a keyboard or a mouse. So, I got the Apple TV, and it's fine. The main problem I have with it is that it doesn't have HBOGO, which would be really, REALLY handy. Anyhoodle, when my brother found out I got it, he then got me an iTunes gift card for my birthday, so I can rent movies through it, which is delightful. Except that I'm not really much of a sit-around-and-watch-a-movie person. I know. It's weird. But I'm not. I'll park myself in front of the TV for HOURS in order to get through a full TiVo, but for some reason, committing myself to a 2 hour movie just seems so EXTRAVAGANT. Which leaves me with a chunk of money on the iTunes gift card, and in constant search of something that will be worth my free money AND time. That's not too much to ask, right?
The other night, I stumbled across this movie, which I've heard good things about. I love a comedy, after all. And I've been a bridesmaid, what, 4 times now? With active participation in 2 other weddings, I think. I have some perspective, is what I'm saying. But this listing left me cold, for several reasons. Let's have a look.
I refuse to believe ANYONE would willingly watch "The Dictator." Barf. |
Ok, first of all, $9.99 to RENT this movie? Absurd. I get that they're doing a pre-release VOD thing, but that's too much. Second of all, and this INFURIATES me, why isn't Rebel Wilson listed in the cast of this thing? I mean, she's the bride! Is she not enough of a name? Other, ruder reasons? Ugh. And finally, there's that missing apostrophe in the description. So often, we struggle against too many apostrophes, sprinkled throughout text all willy-nilly, and suddenly, we're missing one. Where have all the apostrophes gone? WHITHER THE APOSTROPHE?
Suffice it to say, I did not rent this $10 movie. I feel like I have enough reasons to write a strongly-worded letter, but that seems so dramatic. So I thought I'd just share with y'all!
Speaking of Rebel Wilson, doesn't "Pitch Perfect" look HILARIOUS? I'm in!
I am SOOO in for Pitch Perfect. I love Rebel Wilson, but I have been an Anna Kendrick fan since "Camp".