I'm just stealing the subject line of the email this photo arrived in, because it strikes just the right tone. Take a look:
Photo by RP |
According to RP, this was a BBQ held at his local grocery store to raise money for this cause. But the sign didn't turn out quite how they meant it, so someone went around and half-heartedly crossed out the "in support of" portion of the signs. Because no one is really in support of Muscular DYSTROPHY. Regardless of how you choose to spell it. On your signs that are trying to get people to come buy things for a good cause. Even if you've used nearly as many exclamation points as words in your sign.
Maybe they were out of yellow paper, so they couldn't print more signs? Who knows. I might have included the NAME of the charity money was being donated to, so people would know. Because people like to know that sort of thing.
Also, I had no idea the Canadians said pop. Is that all of Canada, or is it a regionalism like it is here?
(Thanks, RP!)
As far as I know, "Pop" is the standard term throughout Canada. I don't remember ever hearing it generically referred to as "Soda" until I visited the USA.
ReplyDeleteI remember seeing a map breaking down "Soda" vs "Pop" in the USA... here it is: http://bigthink.com/strange-maps/308-the-pop-vs-soda-map
Oh, internet. Is there anything you can't do?
Yeah, I've seen those, but that doesn't talk about Canada! I had no idea Canada sided with the Midwest in the great pop v. soda debate! It's interesting.