Back in college, going to New Orleans suddenly became a thing. Yes, I went to school in the Florida panhandle, so we were only about 5-6 hours away from New Orleans, so maybe that contributed. But that was where we went if we wanted to get out of town and get away for a weekend. We also went once for the Sugar Bowl, but as that was essentially a work trip (band geek!), we went back a couple times on our own to check things out. And eat beignets. I've never been a huge drinker, so beignets were always my drug of choice there. That, and spicy wings. I loved it when you could smell the spices burning your nose before the wings even arrived at your table. I wanted those things to make me CRY.
When you visit a place like that, that's mostly set up for tourists, you tend to forget it's also just a regular city, with year-round residents, and homes, and lives. You'd think I'd be a little better about this, having grown up in a touristy area myself, but no. I'm not immune. So, when I got this submission in from loyal reader LD, I saw the word parish, and immediately thought "WHOO NEW ORLEANS PARTY!" It's like a Pavlovian response, right? But that's just silly. And this is a story about a gas bubble! In the bayou of southern Louisiana! SCARY! They've had to evact! Wait. What?
Photo by LD |
I checked with LD to be sure they were, in fact, trying to say EVACUATION here. She confirms. It is almost a relief to me that it isn't only my local news that's not able to spell things. Or maybe it was just an attempt to lighten the mood? Probs not.
Perhaps the U and A have already evacuated. They're not waiting around to see what happens. No gas bubble parties for them, to ride it out. They spotted an out, and RAN. Seems like a good idea to me!
(Thanks, LD!)
Meanwhile, those of us in college in New Orleans would go to the Florida panhandle, although mainly for spring break. I may still have my Cash's bumper sticker somewhere.