
We all make errors, and sometimes, those errors can make us look like idiots. Especially when that error gets published out in the world, even though it likely went through a host of gatekeepers to get there. And that's why we're here. To shame those gatekeepers with an internet scarlet S. I don't expect you to be perfect. It takes a village, and every village has an idiot. But for the sake of your company's reputation, hire a village that has at least one member THAT CAN SPELL.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Food Wednesday!

I keep thinking that I'll rename Food Wednesday into Menu Wednesday, but then I worry that one day, I'll get a submission that's food-related, but NOT a menu, and I'll be so sad I limited myself. So, for now, we're sticking with Food Wednesday. Yay! You know how it brings me joy!

Last week, I got a text from a friend of mine that I don't get to see very often. We have a very full and fulfilling texting relationship, in which we complain about the people we can't complain about on social media, but we hardly ever get to actually sit down face-to-face. We are both Chatty Kathys, so it's possible this is a good thing, because we can and do go on, sometimes for HOURS, and then I always feel bad about not shutting the heck up sooner, but ANYWAY. This particular text said that my friend was in the area, and invited me out to lunch. Yay! I love lunch! So we met at a local place, and sat down, ordered some stuff, and then I became that WEIRDO that photographs the menu because of all the errors in it. Unfortunately, most of my photos didn't turn out very well, so I've had to go and screengrab from the online menu. In which the errors are replicated perfectly. I guess we can appreciate their consistency? Anyway, on to the errors!

Error the first:

Just FYI, I hate mushrooms, so I did not get this salad. 
This one's easy. ZUCCHINI is spelled with two Cs.

There's always something vaguely off-putting to me about all this mishigas on menus. 
A little more business here. I'd have put hyphens after hormone- and antibiotic-free, as I think it's confusing without. I also would have deleted the return after fish, and while I'm not in love with the unneeded apostrophe after PCB, I understand where they're coming from. All caps is tricksy like this. I probably would have found a way to slip that S to lower case.

Thank you for stopping by, Mr. Quayle.

Homemade is one word. High school and never mind are two words, but homemade is one. I'll allow the e at the end of lasagna.

Is anyone else kinda tired yet?

What is a home duck? Is it like a homeboy or a home slice? I'm guessing they meant to say HOUSE here. It's their house dish. Also, did they suddenly run out of Es? A space between duck and leg might have also been nice.

BEIGNETS. That's how you spell the delectable pastry from Cafe Du Monde in New Orleans. This is, like, some sort of abuse of the word beginner. Or something else that's not right.

And I'm going to conclude with this shot, even though I'm only about halfway through the lunch menu.

Because few things hurt me more than to see a word spelled correctly in one spot (TARRAGON), and then have it spelled incorrectly just a few lines down. It's already there! Just copy it! YOU WERE DOING SO WELL FOR A SECOND THERE.

Obviously, the errors on a menu do not ALWAYS reflect the care put into the food, which was delicious. Combine that with my delightful, tolerant company, and it really was an excellent lunch. Full of blog fodder!

(Thanks, CG, for putting up with me!)

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