
We all make errors, and sometimes, those errors can make us look like idiots. Especially when that error gets published out in the world, even though it likely went through a host of gatekeepers to get there. And that's why we're here. To shame those gatekeepers with an internet scarlet S. I don't expect you to be perfect. It takes a village, and every village has an idiot. But for the sake of your company's reputation, hire a village that has at least one member THAT CAN SPELL.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

What do these things have in common?

Sometimes, submissions are easy to figure out. Where it came from, what it meant to say, that sort of thing. And sometimes, I'm just completely stumped. My friend IU sent this to me, and I was kind of assuming it was an ad on Facebook, but in looking at it again, I'm not so sure. I can't remember an ad that said "show more." Anyway, it doesn't really matter. This thing is a bit of a mess. And perhaps IU will tell us where she found this in the comments. Take a look:

Photo by IU
There is no better moment than a spelled- and punctuated-incorrectly maligning of education. It really brings it all full circle. Or perhaps this person is trying to make a point. If someone had just cared about his or her education, this wouldn't have happened. I'm sure the STUDENTS involved care, as well as their teachers. Hopefully this person leaves the teaching to teachers, and steers clear of any classroom. 

We can discuss the surprising health benefitS of ginger some other time. 

(Thanks, IU!)

1 comment:

  1. hmmm...... I'm pretty sure I was clicking around and ended up on Shine (Yahoo's blogs for women's lifestyle and healthy living) At the bottom of whichever article I was reading were these links to other articles.

    I was also wondering if apostrophes are no longer necessary when the title is written in all-caps......
