
We all make errors, and sometimes, those errors can make us look like idiots. Especially when that error gets published out in the world, even though it likely went through a host of gatekeepers to get there. And that's why we're here. To shame those gatekeepers with an internet scarlet S. I don't expect you to be perfect. It takes a village, and every village has an idiot. But for the sake of your company's reputation, hire a village that has at least one member THAT CAN SPELL.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Words are awesome and pretty.

Times are tough, financially speaking. I don't think this comes as a surprise to anyone. Everyone's feeling the pinch, and trying to or is being forced to cut back. Here's a sad article internet buddy DD sent me recently about a restaurant being forced to sell because business has, understandably, been bad. People just don't have the money to spend anymore. I feel for this woman, and also for the community. It's a loss when a place like this closes down.

Maybe someone will buy it, and she can start up some new place? I hope so. According to the article, she plans to do some traveling and will possibly be taking up art again. However, that tidbit is maybe the only thing in the article that's clear. Because this is one clunky mofo. May I first draw your attention to the headline:

Can you be a reporter AND a staff writer? I guess. Ohhh, wait. That's the name of the paper. Never mind.
The exclamation on the end of this thing gives it sort of a positive spin which I think is really confusing. Not to mention that colon, which is like a wayward manatee that's wandered into cold water. It's just hanging out there, where everyone can see it, useless and awkward, and hoping someone will show it the way out. Why is it even there? It doesn't know. It disavows all knowledge of this entire business. it doesn't even like gyros.

Speaking of wayward colons:

Y'all, that colon is just wrong, no? It should be a comma. I can't get google to confirm this for me, so I'm hesitant to go all medieval on it, but I'm pretty sure I'm right. Remember, I'm not a grammar expert. I just play one on the internet. But also, it could have been avoided entirely. "...adding that such days cause her to ask herself if she's making the right decision." Done and done, colon avoided, bah BAM.

And that is sometimes the real trick of writing. Knowing when to admit defeat, and simply try something else. Rewriting, reworking, editing. It's a good idea to know what your writing faults are when you're a professional writer (I LOVE WORDS AND WANT TO USE ALL OF THEM ALWAYS. IN EVERY SENTENCE.) and how you can avoid them. If you're not great at punctuation, learn tricks to avoid usage or make a friend who's freakishly knowledgable. If you know you need some editing (I do not in any way resemble this.), then find a way to cut yourself down. Unless you're a freelance writer getting paid by the word. Then I think you know what you have to do.


Also, if you're in this town, go buy a gyro!

(Thanks, DD!)


  1. I've never even heard of this place (Loveland is the town just south of mine, we're there all the time), no wonder it's for sale.

    1. Well, that's sort of sad. But I was wondering if you'd heard of it!
