
We all make errors, and sometimes, those errors can make us look like idiots. Especially when that error gets published out in the world, even though it likely went through a host of gatekeepers to get there. And that's why we're here. To shame those gatekeepers with an internet scarlet S. I don't expect you to be perfect. It takes a village, and every village has an idiot. But for the sake of your company's reputation, hire a village that has at least one member THAT CAN SPELL.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Whoo! Happy Hour!

C'mon. Who doesn't like Happy Hour? Even if you're not a drinker, if you're at Happy Hour, chances are you're done with work for the day. You're kicking back, enjoying a cold whatever, relaxing with friends, making eyes at someone adorable across the way, and generally just having a delightful time. Right? Happy Hour just wants you to be happy. It's right there in the name!

However, as my friend AJ said when she sent this pic to me, is it ok to order something when it's spelled incorrectly? Hmm...

Photo by AJ
You better believe I looked up MOST of the words in this poster, to make sure I didn't miss anything. I suspect the author meant to put a colon after cocktails, instead of a comma, and of course, you will likely not be drinking a margarita made of a fruit that weighs a ton. Pomegranate. That's it. One vowel off, and yet it makes all the difference. I wasn't sure myself, and had to look it up. There's no shame in looking something up, sign makers of the world! Just go ahead and do it! Your patrons, boss, nit-picky bloggers, and the community at large will thank you.

Until then, we will continue to mock. It's what we do.

(Thanks, AJ!)


  1. I can't wait to find and photograph a misspelling just to see how you skewer it.

    1. Me, too! When the day comes, I hope I will do you proud.
